What Does Empowering Have to Do With It?

I built my company on the foundation of empowering brand loyalty rather than selling SWAG*. I love SWAG and when compared to other marketing methods, SWAG has one of the highest returns on investment if done properly. However, after my first few years in the business I realized that selling SWAG had the capacity to do much more than just market to potential customers. I began to see a bigger picture, and that bigger picture was its ability to empower brand loyalty. While most marketing functions strive to create brand loyalty by pushing marketing messages, I realized that it was more effective to pull customers in and empower them to be loyal to your brand.

Empowering is giving the power or authority to your current and potential customers. By approaching marketing from a standpoint of giving rather than taking you create a conversation. The quickest way to empower brand loyalty is to educate those that come in contact with your brand and give them the opportunity to decide for themselves if they like your brand or not.

In a recent campaign I leveraged my empowered methodology to create a conversation between my client’s brand and their potential customers. We created an event that was centered around educating our potential customers on what made the brand unique. We gave them opportunities to ask questions and gather information. This conversation pulled the potential customer into the heart of the brand. The potential customer left the event feeling that they had the appropriate information to make an educated decision.

In the information age consumers are seeking information to make their own decisions. By creating complete campaigns with an emphasis on empowering our client’s potential customers the ultimate goal of brand loyalty is achieved. Empowered consumers will be loyal far beyond minimal price changes, or new competing products because they understand your brand and connect to the mission behind it.

*Caught off Guard by my use of the word SWAG? It is part of my commitment to Danny Braunstein to reclaim and embrace the word SWAG.

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